Monday, June 05, 2006

Mom and Dad are Married!!!

Woohoo, the wedding is over! Mom and Dad are now Mr. and Mrs. I'm sorry I missed the wedding but I had a fabulous time at Doggy Day Care, and it was only two nights, so it wasn't that lonesome!

Check out some wedding photos!!!
Here is the bride:

Mom circles Dad as is customary during the ceremony:

First Dance:

Home from Doggy Daycare and back in Mom's lap where I belong:

Life is great, we're now no longer a family living in sin...and I'm legit!



Gus said...

congratulations to all of you, and best wishes from your wirey friend Gus

Anonymous said...

Hey Lover Boy Axel

Congratualtions to the Newlyweds!

You've always been a very special family in my book!!!

Miss Amelia

Agatha and Archie said...

Dear Axel,Tell your Mom and Dad Mazel Tov and that your Mom looks stunning in her dress.You too dear boy(as always) look stunning in her lap!Now back to your antics and your Mom and Dad can relax!!!!as always,your Boston partners in crime, Agatha and Archie(PS a belated happy birthday to you.We turn 1 in a few days ourselves!)