You know me. I love a good jig! Well, when I found this awesome email in my inbox today, both Mom and I grabbed paws and hands and did a jig around the computer/wedding room (quite the miracle that - Mom makes me tip-toe in this sacred room lest I disturb the darn favors...)So the email was from Party - pictured left (is he cute or what?). He described himself thus:
"I am a 6 year old wire. I was named Party (‘Ramasage Show No Mercy’) in the show home that I was born in. However, I was sold for a meaty price shortly after I won a puppy show, to someone who wanted a dog to show but did not think to love me. All in all, I had lived in no less than 3 homes and 1 breeding farm in the first 3 years of my life, endured neglect and lack of nutrition until I met mum.
She took me into her home to live, fattened me up (thankfully not for the Christmas dinner), and brought me all over, to play, to complete the shows and to simply have fun.".
Party lives with Mango who he describes as "a feisty 5 year old wft gal. Well, she came to live with mummy, at about 7 months old, from a farm, unsold at that age because of a bad bout of untreated fungus..." That's Mango on the right.As I told you Mango and Party live in Singapore. Party told me that, "We are the wires from Singapore, a city island very far from you. It’s between Indonesia (near Australia) and Malaysia (beneath Thailand) and amounts to a little dot on the equator. My canine folks are mostly from Australia, and so are Mango’s. But both Mango and myself are born in Singapore. And our human mummy is a Chinese, but she is born in
Singapore (not China, though her ancestors are from there- and so it makes us a pretty multi- cultural family)."
Pretty interesting. Party also assured me that, "I know you must be wondering if my mummy eats dogs since she is Chinese. Well, nope, she does not! Neither do the couple of million Chinese (out of 3 million human population) here in Singapore. Chinese who have dogs here come in all types. Mango and me met those who did not know how to take care of us. However, there are others who simply love and indulge in our kind. From pet cafés to bakery to prams, many enjoy indulging in our kind too."
Well that's a relief, isn't it?!Party and Mango have a baby together, named Fever (left). What an adorable little girl! I think I"m in love AGAIN. Fever lives with Mango and Party's cousin and guess what? she has her own blog so check it out!
And I left out the best part - that Mango and Party and their Mom Ng and Fever are all big fans! Party told me that, "Mummy talks a lot about you, Axel, like you have always been a family friend… Axel said this… Axel did that… Axel had this new toy… If only they could be friends… And I had only begun to realize how mummy was taken
by your charm when she said she will be getting us some toys from U.S. simply because you mentioned it on your blog..."
Can you believe it - I have POWER to persuade. My blog is famous around the world. I really am Blogger Supremo!
Well I hope you all enjoyed meeting my Singaporean pals as much as I did, and we hope to hear from them again soon. I gotta run and bark now as it's pouring with rain, thundering and hailing! It's too much to ignore!
10 years ago