Boy, I'm pooped. Today Mom, Dad and Mom's pal Lynne (who is crazy about me) shlepped me to Blue Bell for the All Terrier Show. I've never seen so many dogs in my life! It was quite the experience!
So let me tell you all about it...
The weather was glorious and hot after days of rain and cold:

You can imagine my relief when some REAL Wires and their humans showed up! I made many new friends! This is me with Dad and Smitty (left) , who is a real handsome, and well-stripped dude. And on the right is Me again with Paddington - poor little guy has no eyes, but he's a very special fellow.

Here is Smitty again with an Airdale pup (left) and with his Mom Joanne (right).

Then this is Ricky who belongs to Leslie and Ed - he's 8 years old. And here we all are, in a tangle of leads - in the background are Lucy and Abby in Eagles gear:

And here we all are in a row with our humans - it was quite a feat to get us all to cooperate!
(L to R: WFT Abby and Mom, WFT Lucy and Mom, WFT Ricky with Dad Ed, Barb (WFT Skippy in absentia), Mom and Me, Joanne and Smitty)

Mom was very excited to meet her online Smoothy friend Claudia - who's two Smooth Foxies, Brody and Brillee were competing. Today Miss Brilee took Best of Opposite, shown exclusively by Claudia and Mr. Brody got the second AOM (Award of Merit). Kudos all round. Here are two pics of Claudia in the ring with little Brillee - who my Mom took quite a shine to!

And here is Mom with Claudia and Brillee (picture courtesy of Kathy). She is pretty darn cute (Claudia is not bad either, heh heh) - I think I quite like those smooth bitches...never really been with one, might be a nice change... Dad says it's like dating a feminist human with hairy legs vs. a bitch who shaves!

It got pretty tiring out there in the sun watching all these dogs strut around the ring... I kind of passed out for a while...I dreamt I took best in show...

The only downer of the day was running into my breeder Bob. He took one look at me and asked Mom and Dad what they'd done to make me so fat! He kept harping on how overweight I am and now I think Mom said something about a DIET!!! I am just a healthy wire - I don't want to look like those skinny model WFTs in the ring. Hasn't Bob heard that the trend is away from anorexic looking models - both human, and I have to think Wire too! Get with it man!
I loved meeting many of Mom's Wiry friends. Barb, Mom of Skippy, even brought me a Halloween gift - thank you Barb! And Lucy's Mom Kathy was very impressed with my good behaviour, and it was good to see Melissa (Mom of Mackie) and Steve again too! And we met Dot, Mom of Crystal and Glory who belongs to Pat. Pictured left is Mom, Me and Kathy. Pictured right are (back) Melissa and Dot, (front) Mom and Kathy. Check me out making myself comfy across two laps.

We were also thrilled and honored to meet Elizabeth Pierce - the very special lady who did so very much to help the abused Wire Foxes from Blainville, Montreal. Here she is with Mom and Kathy.

Well it was one fine day all in all, and especially special meeting so many fans of this blog! When I got home around 5pm (after a stop at McDonalds, where I am happy to report I got to eat fries despite the dire pronouncements on my figure), I happily hopped onto my perch and had a wrestle with dad. A perfect end to a perfect day!