Finally. Finally. I actually look like a wire fox terrier for the first time in a long long time. Yesterday morning, Mom and Dad dropped me off at Pooches Choice salon for a much needed haircut. When they collected me at 3pm, they were so relieved and delighted to see what a great job was done upon me. I don't look like a shnauzer. I don't look like a poodle. I look like a handsome young wire fox terrier, which ladies and gentlemen, is precisely what I am!
As you can tell, my coat is far from perfect, but we are on our way. My colored parts were stripped, the rest of me was hand scissored. After a few more of these groomings, I'm sure my coat will be wirey and my colors will be vivid. It just takes time to undo the damage wrought upon my dogness by PetStupid. I must say, I do love my beard - I look like my dad now!
But best of all, without all that superfluous hair, I actually look THIN! Mom called me skinny butt!! Woohoo. Do you agree?
After my long day, I was dead tired. I just curled up in my favorite positions on the couch and went to sleep, a very happy dog at last.