Yesterday I received the most awesome gift in the mail from Brenda, Alle and Jack in Orlando, Florida - a whole wardrobe collection of jumperz - which are special doggie bandanas that attach to one's collar. I have a special one for Chanukah, the seasons, and more. I love them. Mom put one on my straight away and I posed for a picture. I intend modeling them all here on my blog.
This is my favorite one - it's blue with pictures of wires doing funny things:
And speaking of modeling, check out my funny pal Chewy (who just celebrated his birthday) in his fancy doggie Tshirt. Doesn't he look silly?
This morning I wore my jumperz to the park and I was widely admired. I made a new friend named Kush which mom told me means "black" in the ancient language of Aramaic, but Kush's owner said it means "happy" in Hindu. Well, my new friend was black and happy, so I guess it's a good name for him. Maybe it also means "gets other dogs in trouble" in some other language cos Kush lead me into a burr bush and I got those horrid things embedded in my face and paws. Mom had to yank them out.
I got a bit pissed off today as Mom left me alone in the laundry room to go grocery shopping. I know we need food, but why can't I go with? So when she came home, she was huffing and puffing as Dad wasn't around to help her shlep the groceries inside and there was no parking outside so she really had to double park around the block and shlep. Once all the bags were inside, she let me out, but then ran out again to move her car. I was bored and hungry so I went sniffing around in the bags - and found a nice package of beef ribs which I managed to break open. You should have seen Mom's face when she finally walked in the door to see me enjoying a big beef rib! Her glare soon turned to a smile and she said, "Oh Axel, you are a naughty boy," but she still let me chew on it for a little while before tricking me into giving it up!
Remember that sad story I told you a while ago about Jack the dog who's owner had been run down and killed by thieves when he believed Jack was in the car? Well I see today that they have caught thief and charged him with murder. Good. But poor Jack, I'm sure that is little comfort to him.
Well Mom and I are going to sit and watch the US Open Tennis final - we have a big bowl of popcorn and Mom generously gives me a few. What a strange human food that is - but you know me, I'll eat anythihg!
10 years ago