Saturday, October 21, 2006

Awaiting Official Word

No official word yet on the results of the Awesome Blog Award being offered by Dogs With Blogs Website! However, thanks to my many fans and foxie friends, I am way ahead in the vote and I do believe the contest has closed! But I'm holding off on my victory jig until I receive official word!

Until then, I'm just hanging out, you know, ripping pillows apart and chewing Mom's old sandals...

By the way, today this big envelope arrived in the mail and Mom hollered to Dad, "our Jamaican honeymoon tix are here!" I had never heard of Jamaica, so I googled it and man, it sure looks sweet! Beaches, sunsets and lots of humans with long wiry hair like mine. I had no idea we were going on vacation!! Now if I could just reach Mom's cabinet, I could find out when we're going! I see Jamaica is in the middle of the sea, so I assume we're driving until we hit the sea and then Dad will row us there? Maybe I can swim part of the way! Anyway, stay tuned...