Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Holidays All!

I love the holidays!!!

So the other day a box arrived for me from North Dakota. The parents and I wracked our collective brains to try to figure out who we knew in Fargo! We'd loved the movie, but we couldn't think of anyone there.... So we opened the box and inside was a littler box for me and a card. On the cover of the card was a PUG! We have a few pug friends, but none we know well enough to get a gift from, and none in Fargo! But then the mystery was solved - for the card read, "Happy Holidays love Jackson" and there is ONLY ONE Jackson! We realized that our pal in London had ordered me this delicious holiday gift ONLINE and they'd mailed it out! Doesn't it look like the best gift ever!? The company who made these tasty carob bone-shaped biscuits is called Doggielicious - and boy were they yummy! The parents are rationing them out to me 'cos they call me Fat Boy now. Isn't that lovely! Not!

Mom wrote to the company to compliment them on their fine merchandise and asked if we could sample a few more to review on - and they said YES. So more cookies coming MY way...though mother is threatening to hire new biscuit tasters given my girth. Harumpfffff! By the way, for the record, I think our favorite friend Christina's gourmet cookies from her biz called Woofs and Whiskers are equally delicious! I never turn down a good treat!

In other news, I got one of my hanukkah gifts from the parents...a silly looking loofah penguin in a red Xmas hat with a pom-pom. Mom knows I like pom-poms, which is why she chose this. I must say, I do dig Mr Penguin. I've had him 5 days and he's still in one piece...a hanukkah miracle?

Finally, I have a complaint. Mother is working too hard on MY computer. Look carefully in the picture below and you will see clearly that this laptop is MINE. Mom is addicted to this silly machine - I only use it for blogging - which as you can tell, I don't do very often 'cos Mom uses it all the time! I am forced to draw up a chair next to her if I want any quality time....

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and Kracking Kwanzaai to all my friends around the world!