Monday, October 31, 2005

Pre-Halloween Poop Fest

Wishing all my friends and fans a very HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

So this is my first Halloween...Mom said she will take me out in my cow costume later, but Dad will have no part in it. He says it's stupid to dress me up. Who asked you Dad - I want to see how many treats I can get!!

Speaking of treats, it seems Halloween can be a dangerous time for us dogs, so for my human fans, here are some reminders:
-- Keep candy wrappers, foils and lollipop sticks away from pets. They can be choking hazards
-- When children come home with candy, make sure that pets have treats too. (Amen to that!)This will distract pets from wanting to investigate the candy.
-- If you want to dress your pet up in a costume make sure that the costume does not restrict their airways or have parts that can easily get caught on something.
-- Be aware that even the most mild mannered dogs may show a different side when they have strangers constantly coming to the house. It is best to keep animals away from the door.
-- Keep lit pumpkins and candles out of reach of wagging tails.

Actually, I better go easy on the treats, I've had a bad case of the shits for the last 24 hours. I was sound asleep under the bed (yup, now that the heat is on, I'm happy again to be under the bed for at least part of the night) when I felt my belly move. I tried to wake Dad, but he was dead to the world, so I ran downstairs and boy, I made the biggest poop ever, it was so big it stuck to my bum while I was in mid crouch. When dad finally came down, boy did he get a surprise...he thought maybe a rottweiler had broken in and left big poop on the carpet. ha! So he cleaned it up and we went back to bed. But would you know, the belly groaned again, and this time Dad ran down with me to let me out, but alas, I just couldn't hold it in...and out it came, all over the carpet again. Poor Dad...I felt bad. But not bad enough to prevent me from grabbing the papertowl while he was wiping up the mess...heh heh, I just love to shred the stuff.
Lucky Mom, she slept through the entire poop fest! Or was she just pretending to be asleep?