Wow, what a day!
One highlight was around noon, Mom and I went for a long walk (Dad was still sick in bed, poor Dad, not a happy chap right now) to Lincoln park. I was having great fun with a few dogs when this man and his small dog came running towards us. Then Mom and I realized it was a wiry bitch on the end of his leash, and Mom was overcome with glee. Turned out that was Georgia all the way from Iowa - she had come with her Mom and Dad to see the Dad Vale Regatta. Her Dad was very excited to see another wire, and he thought I was gorgeous. Quite right. I played a bit with Georgia and we rolled around on the grass. Mom was sorry to leave them, but I had my hair appointment so we had to. Before Mom said goodbye she scribbled down my blog address in the hope they'd come and visit. I also hope they do and visit Butchy and Snickers' blog as they too live in Iowa. Maybe they can all get together! If Georgia is reading this and wants to stay in touch, you can email me here.
I was so pooped after that walk, Mom dragged me home, and then told me we were going out again, by car. Woohoo! She took me to the Bow Wow and Meouw grooming salon. Mom was thrilled to find out that they know how to strip - hardly anyone else does around here, and between you and me, Mom and Dad suck at it! They dropped me off at 12:30 PM and I wasn't done until after 4 PM. The nice grooming lady told Mom I had been a very good boy, so she was so proud. Turns out my haircuts cost more than Mom and Dad's combined - but then I have more hair than they do combined too! Mom, Dad and me think Bow Wow did a great job stripping me and we heartily recommed the salon to all dogs in Philadelphia!
So here are some pics of the new look Axel, handsome daredevil:
When I got home, Mom told me two early birthday gifts had arrived for me! One from Miss Amelia, and one from Huckleberry! I was verklempt, so appreciative was I of their generosity. Miss Amelia sent me a bright red retractable lead and collar and money to spend on treats! How cool is that?! And Huck - well, he knows me well - he sent me a Tshirt that says, "THE BITCHES LOVE ME!" - man, I can't wait to show that off in the park. Mom can wear her fave Tshirt too that says, "SKINNY BITCH" - we'll be quite the pair. Mom hated being thin all her life, but now she flaunts it in front of all the fat Americans! LOL. But wait, I forgot to tell you the best thing - Huck also sent me the hugest Dingo I've ever seen. Delicious. I carried it around in my mouth for 1/2 hour not quite knowing whether to tackle it or hide it. THANK YOU MISS AMELIA AND HUCK - YOU BOTH ROCK!! Here is a pic of me and my big Dingo:

So with all this excitement, I am really really tired. So I decided to cuddle with Dad and have a snooze - I know that always cheers him up. I love my Dad and I love to share his pillow.

I wish every day was like today.
PS Forgot, Mom spotted a wiry greeting card at the Carwash store of all places. It's a birthday card that says, "Happy Birthday, don't lift a paw!" Cute wire, but I dare say, I would make a better model.You can buy these cards - with or without the caption by clicking here.