This morning after my walk and swim with Dad (yay, no guards were at the fountain), Mom and Dad told me we were going to the Great Philly Wire Get-Together! So off we went in the car. We came to this house, we knocked at the door, and out came Bebe, the one and half year old wiry gal I'd seen online. Boy, what a pistol she is! We immediately started running around the house. Bebe jumped from couch to couch and we were off to a great start. We then went outside and I found, to my delight, that Bebe has a lovely back yard with grass and trees and flowers.
A few minutes later, we were thrilled to see another wiry face at the gate - and it was Elliot, who is just 5 months old!
(We were hoping that Willie, Bebe's cuz would show up, but alas he didn't. Hope we can meet him soon too...)
The Great Philly Wire Get Together was well under way!
Elliot and Bebe played and wrestled while I was a bit more sedate as I was tired from my long walk and swim, and boy was it hot out, even in the shade. Elliot found a shady spot in the dirt, a refuge of sorts from Bebe...
Mom gave us each a Dingo chew to enjoy - and then us wires had fun stealing from eachother. I buried mine in the dirt and Elliot found it with his sniffer. Then Bebe stole Elliot's and carried both hers and his in her mouth and tried to eat them both! Boy it was fun! I also showed the pups - being the resident elder wire - how a drinking bowl could also be used as a pool and to demonstrate, stuck my face and feet in Bebe's water bowl.
To all those fuddy-duddies who say wires do not get along and should be kept separated, all three of us say, PHOOEEY!! (We would prefer to use a more explicit expletive, but being ambassadors for our aristocratic breed, we will restrain ourselves.) We are living proof that we are friendly guys and gals and we play brilliantly together! And we love humans (Bebe gave my Daddy kisses!)
And in case there are still folks out there shaking their heads...I have more proof for you! Today I got an email from my pal Colby in Canada. Would you believe, he was part of the Big Canadian Wire Get Together this weekend as well!! He found four fellow wires living nearby and they all got together to meet up and play. And guess what - they all had a fun time too! I, Axel G Chocholoza, submit more photographic evidence of wires getting along just swell!
I had a brilliant day with Bebe and Elliot and their humans, and I'm really hoping that today was the first of many Great Philly Wire Get Togethers!