This morning Mom took me out for a short walk because it was raining and she had to get to work. So I missed my usual romp with my pals Gracie, Kila, Elvis and Gia. This afternoon however, I ran to Gracie's house, and Elvis and Gia were there too! It was then that I heard a very sad story that made me wonder how some humans can be so evil.
It seems this morning while on their walk, the gang heard a distant wailing near the basketball court. Upon closer inspection, they found a little white puppy pitball tethered to a pole, abandoned in the rain. Of course the gangs' Moms, being first class human beings, could never contemplate leaving a dog in distress like that, so Gracie's Mom took him home and to a vet. The poor little guy - he doesn't have a name yet - it seems he was bait for pitballs - he has scratches and bites all over his malnourished little body, and absess on his leg and his ribs and pelvic bones are protruding through his skin. Yet despite all the obvious horrors he's endured, he seems sweet natured, timid of course, but not unfriendly. Take a look at him, isn't he a sweet guy? We are trying to think of a good name for him...
After greeting our new little friend, the 3 Moms and six dogs headed out for a romp in the pouring rain. The little guy was shy, but he seemed to grow in confidence. Gracie, Elvis and I had a wonderful time running in the rain and I of course, could not resist a swim in a puddle...
Despite having a glorious time with my pals, I kept thinking about our new friend - what kind of evil, horrible humans could leave a pup abandoned like that? What kind of human could starve a dog and feed him to other dogs to eat? I, Axel G Chocholoza, do not understand this at all.
My poor girlfriend Gracie was feeling a little ambivalent about the new addition, so when Mom went over to give Gracie's Mom my crate for the little guy, she brought Gracie back with her to play with me! I was beyond thrilled of course! This time when Mom and Dad were distracted, we ran into their bedroom and wrestled on the bed!
I like this picture - doesn't it look like I'm lying on a bearskin rug? heh heh
And then Gracie peed on the bedroom floor...And that was the end of our fun in the bedroom...and Gracie went home.
Well, keep your fingers crossed for our new little pal - let's hope he gains some weight and trust while being fostered by Gracie's family, and finds a loving forever home.