I found the perfect gift for Mom and Dad! I am going to go online later after Mom gets home and I can steal her credit card (don't gasp in disgust, how do you expect me to pay for a gift? I am a penniless pooch! It's the thought that counts, right?), and buy them one. It's from www.sitstay.com and it's called 2006 Monthly Doos Dog Poop Calendar! The description goes like this:A calendar that celebrates dog doo in all its glory. Dog doo in lush scenes photographed with loving care. But there's more to Monthly Doos than just high art. Inside you'll also find fun facts and quotes about man's best friend, and man's best friend's "best work". You'll even get to meet some of the monthly "contributors". Each calendar is enclosed in a SitStay Poo Pickup Bag.
What a riot! I wonder how I can go about becoming a contributer. I also have a good idea for the makers of the calendar, make it a scratch and sniff!!! heh heh.
Mom and Dad are bewildered once again because I prefer to sleep on top of the couch, looking out my front window, than in bed with them! They can't figure me out. How do I tell them that sleeping with them is bloody uncomfortable. Dad tosses and turns, and snores. And Mom uses a bipap which makes funny noises! Besides, how can I protect them if I am not in easy range of the front window!
When Mom related her confusion to her friend Pam, she wrote that, "I had a Smooth rescue years ago that loved looking out the window. I have no windows that look out on anything, so this smart little dog figured how to jump on a table near a window and then on top of the TV sitting on another table! He found out that when it was on (frequently) that the top of the TV not only provided a lovely view, but was also warm! A big plus in the winter. I remember someone coming over one day and asking "why is there a dog on top of your TV?"
Even though Christmas has passed, images and cards are still coming in, so I wanted to share more with you. On the left is Annie and Chuck under their Christmas tree, checking out the contents of their stockings. On the right are the Savage family furkids from Washington State. I don't know who is who, but my dear Miss Amelia is in there somewhere.
Then on the left we have holiday greetings from the Sqwire household. It took me a while to figure out which was the live wire! His name is Rocky and sadly he passed over the rainbow bridge a while ago, but his Mom Gail wanted to share this beautiful memory of him with you. On the right is a greeting card from Helen and her clan, Aspen, Gus and the kitties Lola and Cinnamon. I wonder if Cinnamon has ever sat on a latke? heh heh? Get it? Mom likes her latkes covered in sugar and cinnamon!
Below Left, Master Colby gives us the final proof that Santa Claus is really a Wire and not a fat, old man. Can't you see a Wire jumping from house to house and going up and down chimneys? Eating cookies and drinking milk? It's a lot more believable than imagining a geriatric old fart doing that! Next to Colby on the right is Abby who lives with Cindy in Ohio.
I don't only have wiry pals. Here are my smooth buddies Zap (left) who got a new coat for Christmas, and Wiley from Utah who is a member of the Ear Club, as you can see.
Finally, here are Missy and Muffy who live with Dee (left) and ol' Winston looking dashing in his holiday attire (right).
Of course, the holiday season is all about giving, and not just lots and lots of gifts. But giving to make the world a better place, or in our case, to bring some cheer to foxies who are less fortunate than ourselves. Christine in Montreal has been receiving lots of goodies for the Blainville Wires, and she even made a special label to accompany the gifts. We hope to be able to show you photos of the Wires receiving their gifts soon...We also got more happy news from Elisabeth who adopted Honeybee in Montreal. She reports that, "Physically, she has put on weight, her coat is fuller and shining, all the various infections are cleared and she is very active. In fact she has turned into a normal terrier, toy obsessed and constantly busy. She loves people, most other dogs and also children, always wants to join kids playing in the snow." That's marvelous Honeybee! We are proud of you and your Mom!
I also got an email from Lucy in Pennsylvania, boy she had fun on Christmas day! She wrote that, "I spent the afternoon grabbing napkins off of everyone’s lap or out of their hands. Ya gotta be quick with me. They had to put me in the basement when they opened their gifts as I kept stealing toys. They just kept spoiling my fun. I did get some yummy food though—some turkey and some ham. "
I wouldn't mind some turkey Luc, but I'm a Jewish dog, we don't eat any swine!
Dear Lover Boy Axel
My dad says he will purchase you a Monthly Doos calendar, if the makers take you up on your idea of making it a scratch & sniff calendar!!
Miss Amelia still chuckling.
You always can publish something absorbing that does not waste minutes all-best-essays.com of your life like what you see on countless other sites:)
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