I'm all about snacks so when Mama Dee found this offer to try Exclusively Dog Cookies, I signed up immediately. Mama Dee is a genius at getting free stuff and finding the best coupons. Every day a new freebie arrives in the mail!
So click here for your free treats! By the way, anyone ever get those Science Diet free snacks that I also publicized. Mine never arrived and its been quite a while - were they yanking our tails in an effort to collect our info while NOT sending the booty!? Never thought much of Science Diet to begin with, now I really don't like them! No one pulls one over on Axel G Chocholoza!
Axel!!! Those look like fabbers treaties!!!
Some of us got together in Boston this weekend and we thought of you, dear boy!!!
It's gray nasty and cold here and feels like winter came without fall...sheeshch...
Lacie, Scruffy and Stanners!
Hi Daniella and Axel,
es Luna is still here in Port Jefferson. If you Google it you can see where it is in relation to Woodmere. We haven't posted much Joan's daughter Melissa had a baby and we've been really busy. I may be going to Massachusetts for the weekend but Joan and Luna will be here. Are you traveling with Axel? That would be great, I think Luna and Axel would get along great. Send us your e-mail so I can give you our phone number.
John, Joan, and Luna
What a clevew boy
Fwee tweaties..I'm shoowe you'we wight, the othew ones must be too infewiow to send to you that's why they nevew awwived
smoochie kisses
Free treats? Mmmmmmm. Lucky boy....
You asked about my itchies? The time I'm itchy gets longer each year, now I have about 8 months of of itchyness and the Dermo say I will be itchy year round soon. She said best to try and cure now I'm young rather then give medication for life. We have faith in what they say as we don't know any different!!! . BTW my kittie bro is an indoor cat only so yes he sheds dander all the time :(
Life sucks sometimes huh Axel? Paws crossed for you pal.
Wiry loves and kisses Eric xxx
Oh Axel...we had no idea you coulda come up to Boston and we feel awful that we didn't ask ya about it...we would love to meet your mom...there are going to be some get togethers next summer...one in July when Opy's peeps come to New York and one in the spring when Noah's peeps from Oz come up....maybe she could come up for one of those??? Mumsie doesn't think she can do both, but she had already told Noah's mom that she'd come in the spring....think bout it Axel!!
Sounds like you are settling in to your new home and routine, but we're sure it's been tough...
Thinkin' of you and ur mom, dear Ax...
Laciegirlie XXOOXXOO
Oh Axel.We are so sorry you didn't come..I think we didn't even THINK of everybody that could have made it....Perhaps we need to have a GIANT Fox Terrier reunion..... Perhaps next summer..That will really rock whereever we go!! Love and kisses A+A
Axel! Have you gotten dirty yet after your recent coiffure? (You looked quite the handsome wire.) And those free treats. We think we signed up for them ... Molly (before us) used to eat a prescription Science Diet treat and liked 'em pretty well (we're told) ... we never got 'em either. Guess it's true that nothing in life comes free ('cept a good nap.) Hope you enjoy these new ones!
Easy on the hot spots ... we're glad they're healing up.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Axel, you are one lucky one to get to try these delicious sounding treats. We hope you enjoyed them. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals
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