Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Axel Dreams of Hanukkah

THREE days until the exquisite festival of latkes and lights. I'm more partial to the former, of course. With sour cream and apple sauce. But I'll take 'em as them come!


PS Excellent news - looks like our buddy Elliot is off to his new home across the border to Canada. What a great holiday it will be!


Agatha and Archie said...

Hi Axel! Wishing you a Chag Sameach! We are also dreaming of latkes( with applesauce)Heres hoping you get lots of fabulous toys and lots of dingos of all shapes and sizes! Love, Agatha and Archie

Gus said...

Hi Axel! You are tagged to tell us 3 things you really want for Hanukkah and 3 things you really don't want for Hanukkah. Then tag 5 more people. See my blog for better details.
